O búfalo que só queria ficar abraçado

Thais Laham Morello



  Children Book








Once upon a time there was a buffalo who wanted to cuddle all the time. Buffalos are wild animals, big and strong. They even have a pair of horns on their heads! However, this buffalo had always been sentimental. (He was such a needy buffalo!) He just couldn’t stay away from his mother. Oneday, mother buffalo had a great idea to help her little son deal with his emotions. Come find outhow she taught him a valuable lesson.

ISBN 978-85-9554-034-7

Thais Laham Morello has a degree in Psychology and lives in Sorocaba with her cats Atum and Pitanga. Shespecialized in Clinical Psychology and works with children, adolescents and adults in private practice. She published her first book, Tuna, the Grateful Cat (Atum, ogato grato), with Carochinha, and continues creating stories, including her latest book: The Buffalo who wanted to cuddle all the time.








Era una vez un búfalo que siempre quería quedar abrazado.Los búfalos son animales salvajes, grandes y fuertes. ¡Incluso tienen un par de cuernos en la cabeza! Pero élera un búfalo muy sentimental y sufría al quedar lejos de su mamá. Un día, ella tuve una idea para ayudar su pequeño hijo. Benga descubrir como ella le enseñó una valerosa lección.

ISBN 978-85-9554-034-7

Thais Laham Morello es licenciada en Psicología y vive en Sorocabacon sus gatos Atum y Pitanga. Se especializóen Psicología Clínica y trabaja con niños, adolescentes y adultos en la práctica privada. Publicó suprimer libro, Atum, elgato grato (Atum, o gato grato), con Carochinha, y sigue creando historias, incluido su último libro: El búfalo que siempre quería quedar abrazado.